Thursday, January 14, 2016

Space Camp

This has been an exciting week in our household! Jayne successfully raised enough money to pay for her half of the cost of Space Camp and was successfully registered. In more Space Camp news, I applied to become a counselor and had what I hope was a stellar interview this morning.

We ate both very excited about this. She will be in the week-long robotics program and I might be a counselor there!

Sunday, January 3, 2016

What is MomS.T.E.R.?

Welcome to MomS.T.E.R., a blog that brings together some of my, and my children's, very favorite things. Each post will be centered around motherhood, science, technology, engineering, and robotics. Yes, I know robotics falls under the previous categories, but Jayne, my robot loving daughter, insisted it be separate. Being a mother to strong-willed children leads to compromise.
I hope that ever member of my family will contribute to this blog in their own way. As I mentioned before, Jayne has a strong interest in robotics as well as astronomy. My son Paul enjoys building and designing. He has a definite artistic ability. My dear husband is a mechanic by trade, but an engineer at heart. And I'm Jeannie, a science geek (geology and astronomy) working towards a career in scientific outreach.